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Τετάρτη 9 Ιανουαρίου 2013



Swami Satyananda Saraswati

In spiritual life, every woman can play the role of mother: daughter, wife, girlfriend or disciple - all can be mother. Motherhood is the independent status of a woman which cannot be compared to fatherhood.

Usually we only apply the term of mother to a married woman who gives birth to a child. But in tantra, the woman with whom you practise is regarded as your mother. In this sense, mother does not mean progenitor, but refers to the cosmic force- Shakti.

In physics there are two forces, positive and negative, while in philosophy, they are called space and time. In yoga we have ida and pingala, in tantra it is Shiva and Shakti, and ordinary folk refer to man and woman. These two forces interact with each other at every level of existence, and this union is of great significance. When ida (mind) unites with pingala (vital energy) there is enlightenment; when Shiva and Shakti unite, there is creation; when matter and space unite, there is explosion; and when man and woman unite there is bliss and pleasure.

Always, in every sphere, kundalini is mother, that is, supreme cosmic energy. She lies sleeping in mooladhara, waiting to be awakened, to surge forth and unite with Shiva in sahasrara. With this realisation, we must approach the subject of mother. All women are mothers, regardless of age, relationship, or whether they have biologically procreated.

In tantra, the mother is known as divine energy and we call her Devi. All women have Devi attached to their names, signifying their role as bearers of divine energy. In a family, even a little girl is regarded as an embodiment of divine energy.

Therefore, aspire to be a mother, but not only the mother of a child; become the universal divine Shakti.

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